This collection of papers and posters presented at the ICON conference A Pest Odyssey – The Next Generation is evidence that integrated pest management (IPM) has been adopted globally as the accepted strategy within the cultural heritage sector to mitigate the risk posed to our unique collections by damaging pests. In 2021, after an unprecedented period of change in our work practices in response to restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, a greater emphasis was placed on collaboration, remote monitoring and, of course, silverfish.
Detect, Respond, Recover - best practice IPM in 2021
This fully virtual conference took place on 20th - 22nd September 2021 and enabled participants to focus on changes and new developments in IPM over the last ten years.
Presentations looked at science, sustainability and climate change in relation to IPM and examined how to carry out IPM well and what a successful IPM programme looks like over 10+ years.
Methods of advocacy and successful ways to share the IPM message both inside organisations and externally were covered.
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